Blog #10: Children's Books Involving Disabilities
My seven-year-old is currently obsessed with books, so for the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to cultivate the perfect library for him. While on my hunt for the best books, I found myself in a rabbit hole of books involving children with disabilities. My son, Adam, is Autistic and I find it to be one of the most beautiful things about him, but there are so many stereotypes and stigmas for children with disabilities that make finding the right books, written with good intent, difficult. I recently got Adam two books, When Charley Met Emma by Amy Webb, and I Will Dance by Nancy Bo Flood. Image Source When Charley met Emma Written By Amy Webb Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard YouTube Link: Read along or listen along as Ms. Nancy Trush reads out loud When Charley Met Emma, she sits before you reading aloud reminding the audience of story time as a child. Book Summary When Charley Met Emma is a beautifully written story highlightin...